William Wick (left) and Mason Standish (hands on briefcase) talk during an SGA meeting last semester. Photo by Nicholas Acosta
SGA Chief Justice Mason Standish resigned on Thursday.
Standish, a junior political science major, said his leaving SGA was due to multiple factors that increased the stress of being a full-time student and involvement in other organizations.
“People said I had a noticeable change in behavior,” Standish said on Friday. “I wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t functioning really.”
Standish said that after having to drop a class he needed for his major, he needed to focus on himself and after talking with friends and family, he made the decision to resign from his post.
William Wick, who was the SGA’s treasurer, took over as the chief justice on Friday.
Wick, a senior criminal justice and psychology major, was made the official SGA chief justice as of Friday afternoon.
Wick said on Monday that he wants more transparency in the organization.
“It’s my intention to bring everything to light,” Wick said. “That’s the only way to go about it.”
Wick said that he will be scheduling the hearing to address the possible impeachment of SGA President Zahraa Saheb.
Saheb was given a petition on Feb. 2 that outlined claims against her. The petition was signed by 10 SGA members.
On Friday, the Rambler made a request to Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students Dennis Hall to be able to see the petition.
Director of Communications Ann Davis declined to provide the petition on Monday.
“We are unable to share with you details or information about ongoing Student Affairs matters,” Davis wrote in an email.