Cameron Bennett surveys the scene after a crash outside Sundance Square.

A Texas Wesleyan student helped a couple in a dire situation on Friday night.
Two cars collided at the intersection of W 4th St. and Main St, near Sundance Square at approximately 10: 50 p.m. The crash resulted in one of the cars being flipped onto its hood in the street.
Sophomore computer science major Cameron Bennett was near the intersection with friends when he heard the collision and immediately jumped into action.
“I turned and saw that it was flipped over, and my body just moved.” Bennett said. “I ran over and opened the door and helped the lady and her boyfriend out of the car.”
Freshmen Qualon Gray and criminal justice major Marissa Quintanilla were on the scene with Bennett at the time of the crash. The group was on their way to meet a friend at Starbucks to see a late-night showing of the film Get Out, but for a moment, their plans were put on hold.
Gray couldn’t believe his friend’s reaction.
“That was crazy,” Gray said. “He’s crazy. That car could’ve blew up, boom, all of ‘em would’ve been dead. It’s a great thing. He’s a great guy. I wouldn’t have did it; I didn’t do it.”
Police cars and an ambulance were on the scene in a matter of minutes. The paramedics tended to the driver of the overturned car, who looked to be unharmed. The couple could not be reached for an interview at the time.
“She seems to be okay, but she’s pretty pissed.” Gray said. “It was a new car, she got it three days ago. Her passenger seems to be okay as well. The driver that hit them just ran off.”
Bennett says he doesn’t know exactly what motivated him to take action.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I just saw that somebody needed help and I just ran.” Bennett explained. “I have been in situations in which there have been times in which my body just moved on its own, but this is a weird experience. I didn’t expect for this to happen tonight.”
Bennett was recently recognized for his excellent leadership skill when he received the prestigious Golden Shears award last year and was inducted into the Guardians of the Golden Shears. He is also the president of Ram Squad, an active member of the Black Student Association and the Natural & Social Sciences Representative for the Student Government Association, according to txwes.edu.
Quintanilla said she was glad they were there at the time.
“He was the first one there, and he helped the lady out,” Quintanilla said. “He’s a great guy, and they’re lucky they had someone like Cam there.”