To have a voice is a gift. To be granted a position of authority is a gift. When one individual is gifted with both, using them to create change is a responsibility.
Currently, the state of our world is shaky, and we don’t all have the answers as to when things will return back to normal, or maybe this is our new normal. Despite this, we all deserve to be heard and have peace of mind that our concerns are being listened to.
My name is LaTerra Wair, the new Editor-in-Chief of the Rambler Media Group, but more importantly, I am an individual who has a social responsibility to my community.
As a three-year member of our news organization, I have found that the value of news is not only important for a school campus but necessary. There are things changing on the Texas Wesleyan campus daily, from the cost of tuition to moving to almost completely remote learning last semester. It is important to stay informed about these changes, and you have a right to know.
Being the Editor-in-Chief is very new to me but my purpose as a journalist has always remained the same: Taking the leap into journalism has meant that I have made a personal oath to report the unbiased truth that stories deserve, as well as, reporting the stories in their entirety to the best of my ability.
The truth may be hard sometimes, but it is always eye-opening and liberating. One key element to reporting the truth is being inclusive of the diversity that our community holds.
There are several goals that I have for our news organization over the course of this next semester to ensure we are the best that we can be, not only for ourselves but for the community. My three goals for Fall 2020 are to:
Bring more representation to campus through our news.
Always make sure that we are being completely transparent with our reporting to the campus community.
Always promote inclusivity.
These three promises are the structure for my newly founded campaign “Your campus. Your voice.” I understand that it is important to not make promises that you can’t keep. With that being said, the one promise that I can make to this campus is that as the editor of this news organization, I will make sure to keep the interest of the campus first and to ensure that every voice is able to be heard.
With everything happening in this time of our lives, the Rambler will give you, the students, the voice that you deserve. I wish you all the best in this upcoming semester and hope that the Rambler continues to be the voice for the campus community.
Wishing you all more life,
LaTerra Wair, editor-in-chief.

Contact me here!!!!