While Frannie Gilbertson works toward becoming a teacher, she is also a writer. Earlier this year, Gilbertson published an Adult Fiction piece to Adelaide Literary Magazine titled “Black Love.” Photo courtesy of Franceanne Gilbertson
Becoming a secondary education English teacher has always been Franceanne Gilbertson’s calling, and she came to Texas Wesleyan University to achieve exactly that.
Gilbertson, mostly known as “Frannie,” grew up right down the streetfrom Wesleyan. During her senior year of high school, she heard amazingthings about the education department and her choice was clear.“It was the first and last college I toured. It was kind of like a love at firstsight thing,” she said.
Growing up she had friends that struggled with mental health issuesand the negative impact of high school, so she set her mind on becoming an attentive teacher that makes a difference.
“I’ve seen firsthand how teachers affect students and their whole view onschool, their mental health and their whole attitude on life. That’s how Iknew I wanted to make my difference in the world. I figured if I can save onekid’s life by having them for 45 minutes in the day, then my job will havebeen worth it,” she said.
One step closer to inspiring young adults to higher education just like herhigh school English teacher did for her, Gilbertson has currently landed astudent-teacher position at Polytechnic High School.
“I want the kids that are overlooked, that people kind of forget about, thatare even sometimes forgotten about by the district. That’s one of the reasonswhy I chose Poly because it’s one of those schools that people kind of thinkwhen they first hear it, ‘Oh why do you want to teach there? Don’t all thosekids kind of have behavioral problems?’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah kinda, butnot all of them, it’s like a small, small number.’
“But either way, they just need people to care about them. And so, that’swhy I want to be a teacher, and that’s why I picked Poly.”
Loving her experience at Poly and her kids in her class, Gilbertson hopesto continue her future at Polytechnic High School once she has received herteaching license.
Story by Jacinda Chan