Savannah Hart is a senior player on Texas Wesleyan’s women’s soccer team, who joined the team as a freshman. Hart plans to graduate in December 2020 and continue studying medicine to become an obstetrician. Photo courtesy of Savannah Hart
As the fall term of the year 2020 comes to a close, Savannah Leigh Hart finds it surreal that her college journey is now nearing its final chapter. As a 21-year old student athlete from Houston, Hart looks forward to what the future has to bring and is ready to face her challenges head on.
Hart will be receiving her bachelor’s in biology and is a pre-medical student. She plans to continue on with her studies in medical school with hopes of becoming an Obstetrician.
Hart came to Wesleyan because, “My coach, Josh Gibbs, was so welcoming and nice when I met him. I knew that this school and the soccer team was somewhere I would fit in and feel at home. My sister also played on the team for four years before me, so I was familiar with the school, team and soccer coach.”
Having this close connection to the team and the coaching staff helped Hart feel right at home, which makes leaving that much harder for her. Hart said she has been fortunate enough to form great relationships both on and outside of her team and coaching staff and stated that those relationships will “last a lifetime.”
Coming into her freshman year, Hart felt a small amount of fear due to the fact that she was moving so far from home, but immediately felt like this was the place for her from day one.
Hart said that her time at Wesleyan has exceeded expectations and went much better than she would have ever expected. For Hart, coming to a small school in such a large metroplex was a perfect environment because everyone at the school begins to know each other after a while. The large city provided her group of friends with lots of stuff to do; she has grown very close to those them.
In her spare time, she took up thrifting and reselling vintage clothes around town as well as making occasional YouTube videos documenting her days on campus. These are all hobbies she has come to love with the people she has met here at Texas Wesleyan.
“One piece of advice that I would give to students nearing the end of their college journey would be to not take a day for granted,” Hart said. “It’s such an amazing experience to be a college student and something that not everyone gets to experience. It’s also gone in the blink of an eye, so I would soak up every moment you can. Talk to everyone you can. Do everything you can. And just enjoy the journey!”
Story by Kobe Nelms