Serenada Sanchez
Alpha Xi Delta's president Anna Lang participates in rush week.
Alpha Xi Delta recruited 14 new members during rush week from Aug. 28 – Sept.7.
Any student who identifies as a woman can apply to Alpha Xi Delta, and the sorority rushes new members every semester. This year, pledges met in the Baker Building to learn more about the organization, and Alpha Xi Delta leaders worked on recruiting new members.
“If you’re enrolled at Texas Wesleyan, and you identify as a woman, You’re more than welcome to come to our recruitment,” Alpha Xi Delta president Anna Lang said.
Lang is a senior majoring in education, and she joined the sorority during her first semester at Texas Wesleyan back in 2020. Lang said last semester, the sorority raised $3,000 for foster kids in America.
“I’ve been so proud of the organization,” Lang said.
Landry Hardee, a sorority recruit and first– year student at Wesleyan, said the people she met that week seemed excited to be there and felt comfortable opening up.
“Everyone is really open. Everyone is real kind,” Hardee said. “It’s like a big sisterhood.”
During rush week, current sorority members asked participants to dress up according to a theme. During their meetings, the sorority members shared the philanthropic values of Alpha Xi Delta.
Giovana Moropinto is vice president and is majoring in general business. She joined the sorority in Fall of 2022. She said that being in Alpha Xi Delta gave her a sense of belonging because she instantly found a family.
“I was way more shy [before],” Moropinto said.
The sorority is preparing for their biggest annual fundraiser, It’s for the Kids. The event will take place on Oct. 29 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in the Martin Center ballroom.
The philanthropy focused event helps the women in Alpha Xi Delta raise money to go towards homeless kids and foster kids.