The deadline for proposals for University College Day 2015 has been extended due to inclement weather.
All submission need to be submitted online at https://txwes.edu/academics/university-college-day/ by Tuesday, March 03, 2015 at 11:59 p.m.
University College Day is scheduled for Thursday, April 16, 2015.
“For more than twenty years, University College Day has offered a forum for students, staff, and faculty members at Texas Wesleyan to share their scholarly and creative endeavors during a special day of presentations that engenders a shared sense of belonging within the Wesleyan community. A signature experience, University College Day unites our campus and connects it with the world, supporting active learners as they think critically to engage one another in reaching out to local and global communities,” said Dr. Ilka Araújo chair of the university college day committee in an email.