Students enjoy pizza at Thursday's outdoor Chapel event. Photo courtesy of Calvin Johnson.
Texas Wesleyan University’s Religious Life kicked off its weekly Chapel service on Thursday during free period on the mall.
Dr. Gladys Childs, interim chaplain, hosted the kickoff, which included songs, prayers, pizza, a live band, drinks and free T-shirts.
Childs said she was happy about the event’s turnout.
“If people are here, then it is a good chapel,” Childs said.
Sophomore political science and religion major Jacqueline Rodriguez joined in the event.
Rodriguez works with First United Methodist Church in downtown Fort Worth, helping younger students with their faith.
“It’s hard,” she said, “especially in the teens. Life can get hard, and it’s important to remember God.”
Freshman baseball player Paul Montealvo agreed as he stopped by the event on his way to practice.
“It’s always good to talk to God,” he said.
It’s great that Religious Life is active on campus, and isn’t forcing people to join in, Montealvo said.
“If I get an email of the next event, I will definitely check it out,” Montealvo said.
Montealvo said he attended church camps before coming to college, so it’s cool Religious Life has Chapel for people that enjoy it.
A typical weekly service will start with a short worship session in the chapel of the Polytechnic United Methodist Church and then move upstairs for a meal, Childs said. This way if anyone needs to leave due to class, they can, or they can stay to mingle.
“We’re open to all religions,” she said. “Some people believe we are here to hammer them with the bible and that’s not it.”
Chapel will be held every Thursday at 12:15 p.m. in Polytechnic United Methodist Church Chapel, according to txwes.edu.