This map shows the locations of the intramural sports that will be played. The locations include the Sid W. Richardson Center for basketball, the mall for golf, the grassy area outside Stella Russell Hall for soccer, and the Boys & Girls Club for dodgeball. (Infographic by Akeel Johnson)
Football isn’t the only program giving athletics a makeover this semester.
Intramural sports return to the campus this month; included are flag football, soccer, dodgeball, disk golf and more, said Aaron Whaley, director of the Morton Fitness Center.
Wesleyan’s intramural program slowly faded and vanished about six years ago, Whaley said, but the Morton staff are focusing on them more than ever before.
“We are trying to make intramurals a high priority,” Whaley said. “We want this to be an annual thing on campus.”
Whaley is working with Lizeth Menchaca, assistant director of intramural sports, to structure the events along with assistants Omar Rodriguez, a senior, and junior Julius Strickland, both business management majors.
Menchaca, a senior education major, said students can register as a captain or a team member through a website, IMLeagues.com, and can invite their friends to join in.
“There they can register, click on Texas Wesleyan, and everything is available,” Menchaca said.
Registering is open to faculty, staff and students and not tailored to any specific groups or organizations, she said.
Whaley wants as many people as possible to get involved, so the number of teams isn’t limited.
Menchaca said there is a lot of enthusiasm for the return of intramurals.
“People are already real excited about intramurals coming back,” she said, “especially people that couldn’t cut it or love to do sports as a hobby.”
Matthew Mayfield, a senior computer science major, thinks the return of intramurals is great for the campus, and students most of all.
“It’s cool that faculty and staff can join in, but I think it will impact the students the most,” Mayfield said. “There are so many people living on campus that are not participating in sports, so it gives them something to do.”
Mayfield said that he will take part in intramurals as long as he has time, and specifically can’t wait for a volleyball tournament.
Potential locations for the activities are still in the works, Menchaca said, but Whaley has some ideas.
He said intramural organizers are thinking of using the old intramural field, the Sid W. Richardson Center gymnasium, the field north of the library, and the mall.
Teams will also use a new intramural field east of Stella Russell Hall, as well as the gym at the Boys & Girls Club, which is on Avenue G just south of the campus.
Whaley said nothing involving intramurals is 100 percent finalized, and he is still open to ideas.
“We have to do our jobs to give them something they want to participate in,” Whaley said.