Before coming to the United States for her senior year of high school in Indiana, Sheryl Vu lived in Vietnam.
She went to Avon High School in Indiana for her senior year. After graduating from high school in Indiana, Sherly Vu went back home to Vietnam for a year.
When Sheryl came back to the United States, she looked for universities to go to in Texas.
Sheryl Vu always wanted to study Psychology in the United States. “I wanted to find a school in the DFW area, because I have family and relatives here,” Vu said.
Sheryl applied for the University of Texas but says she chose Texas Wesleyan because of the scholarship offers and the smaller university experience.
During her time at Texas Wesleyan, Sheryl was a member of Mortar Board, served as School of Natural and Social Sciences Representative and was elected Treasurer in the Student Government Association and she worked as a Lead Campus Tour Guide for the Admissions department.
Sheryl is also a Head Residence Assistant on campus in Elizabeth Hall at Texas Wesleyan. “Getting the Job as an RA really has been one of my favorite moments here on campus,” said Vu.
Sheryl earned the job as an RA her Junior year at Texas Wesleyan University. “It was an opportunity to get out of my comfort zone and help me work on my leadership skills here on campus,” said Vu.
Sheryl is also the President of the Psychology Club on campus. She has been a member since her freshman year at Texas Wesleyan.
“Psi Chi is a National Society for psychology students, and we would invite guest speakers to come in and do workshops with the students,” Vu said.
Sheryl says that the club has hosted events to donate to charity. She says that Covid-19 has made it difficult for the club to consistently meet and build a connection in person, but all the experiences have been worth it.
Sheryl is also a Lead Campus Tour Guide on campus.
After Sheryl graduates, she wants to work as a scribe and volunteer at free medical and behavioral clinics. Sheryl says after she volunteers and works for a year, she wants to apply for her Master’s degree.
Sheryl says her experience at Texas Wesleyan has been more than extraordinary.