Wesleyan’s Student Government Association approved on Thursday funding to bring in the keynote speaker for University College Day in April.
The SGA will bring in noted New York conductor Roger Nierenberg, who will present his Music Paradigm program as the keynote address.
“He conducts an orchestra that he has never played with and tells them to do one thing, but then does another,” said SGA President Tyler Mendez. “He then asks for feedback about the frustrations felt by the musicians and applies what he is doing to leadership development for the audience.”
University College Day is Thursday, April 16. Students present original research on campus.
The SGA also approved dates for memorial service services for recently deceased Wesleyan students Elizabeth Suarez and William Harrison.
Suarez’s memorial service will be 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. Tuesday, and Harrison’s will be 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Friday. Both memorial services will be in the Polytechnic United Methodist Church sanctuary.
The SGA also approved funding to send two students to attend the Southwestern Social Science Association National Conference in Denver. Both students will be presenting research on criminal justice.
“It is a great place for students to present their original works,” said Dr. Eddy Lynton, assistant professor of criminal justice and sociology.
The SGA also approved funding for T-shirts for homecoming.
“The back of the shirts will feature the slogan `Sag who’ because the opposing basketball team for home coming is nick named Sag U, short for Southwest Assemblies of God University,” Mendez said.
The SGA also voted to have students decide the name of the fire pit.
“Two emails will be going out to the students asking for ideas on what they think the name should be,” Mendez said.