From buildings, to book collections, to artwork, Texas Wesleyan University was tattooed in bright yellow tags on Thursday.
The Office of Alumni Relations hosted their fourth TAG (Thank All Givers) Day to raise student awareness for all the things made possible through alumni donations and to provide students an opportunity to give thanks to them.
The first 100 students to show a selfie with a tag to an alumni relations booth worker and sign a banner were given a free T-shirt. The event went on from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
“I saw some (tags) on the buildings around campus,” freshman mass communication major Amanda Roach said, “and I was interested in seeing what it was all about.”
Alumni relations coordinator Christian Garcia said the event used tags to make students more aware of how important alumni donors are to the campus.
“We just want to make students aware that the campus wouldn’t exist without donors,” Garcia said. “They’re very important to us and we want to spread the culture of philanthropy to students so when they graduate they’ll want to give back to the university as well.”
Freshman history major Chris Campbell, who came to the event to meet up with friends, thought it was cool to help honor the alumni that help out current students with their donations.
“I thought it was great because it brought people together,” Campbell said, “and got them to recognize people have to pay for this stuff.”
Senior psychology major Caitlyn Carey was attracted to the event because she heard the music from across campus.
“I think that it’s really neat that they go out of their way to put on events like this for the students,” Carey said, “and they don’t get anything in return.”
After the T-shirts ran out at about noon, members of alumni relations got more. This was good for students like music education major Isis Littekin.
“I saw the tag on the front of the music building that said free shirt,” Littekin said. “I can’t afford Wesleyan shirts at the bookstore so it’s best to find a way to get them for free.”
Littekin, who is grateful for the donors helping out her generation, doesn’t feel her teacher’s salary will create a lot of money for donations. Roach, however, seems more hopeful.
“If I have money as an alumni then I will (become a donor),” Roach said. “I think they’re really awesome and we definitely wouldn’t have a lot of the things that we have on campus if it weren’t for them.”
Garcia said even a $5 alumni donation can help Wesleyan.
“Any amount is important because when we ask for grants from corporations and foundations,” Garcia said, “they look at our alumni and donor participation percentage, so even a five-dollar gift counts for that.”
Photo by Hannah Onder
Photo by Hannah Onder