Students and staff celebrate Hispanic and Latinx Heritage Month

Texas Wesleyan University offers a series of events celebrating Hispanic & Latinx Heritage Month hosted by the Diversity and Inclusion Council and the Latinx Heritage Committee from Sept. 27 through Oct. 14.
The theme this year is “Exceeding Expectations & Moving Forward” and was created by Dr. Patsy Robles-Goodwin, professor of education, and Dr. Jessica Salazar, visiting assistant professor of education.
“Last year, we were dealing with the effects of Covid-19 and its impact on education and other areas. This year, the focus is on moving forward in spite of the adversity experienced by all,” said Robles-Goodwin.
With the concerning rate of educational gaps for Latino students, the lack of resources in their neighborhoods and the impact of Covid-19, those students are struggling according to Robles-Goodwin. This sparked the idea of reflecting positivity as Robles-Goodwin and Salazar were planning this year’s events.
“Therefore, our theme reflects on moving beyond the pandemic in a positive way,” said Robles-Goodwin.
Inclusion for the broad variety of Hispanic ethnicities is important for the committee to accommodate. Chair of the Latinx Heritage Month Committee and Associate Professor of Music Dr. Ilka Araújo said their committee started using ‘Latinx’ to include “all Hispanic, indigenous, Brazilian and non-Spanish speaking people of Latin America.”
It is also important to the committee to express that, “The term Latinx also represents all binary, non-binary, gender nonconforming, and gender expansive people to celebrate diversity and inclusion,” said Araújo.
The Latinx Heritage Committee works closely with the Texas Wesleyan Diversity and Inclusion Council to bring awareness and “embraced issues of injustice and inequality in our society, especially those that affect directly the Latinx community,” said Araújo.
The Latinx Heritage Committee was created six years ago by Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez, dean of the school of arts and science.
Promoting the culture of the Hispanic and Latinx community has been a priority for Rodriguez. He said, “This includes promoting/exhibiting the many contributions made in the areas of the arts, the sciences, music, business and leadership by Hispanic [and Latinx] women and men (to the world and society).”
More details of the events can be found on Ramspace.

Veida Dima is a senior at Texas Wesleyan University pursuing a degree in English. She has been a content producer for Rambler Media Group since Spring...