Texas Wesleyan’s Student Government Association passed a bill to support the Fall 2018 Grad Toast at Friday’s general business meeting.
SGA will give $1,700 to Texas Wesleyan Alumni Association to help pay for the toast.
Associate Director of Alumni Relations Christian Garcia Wommack said the toast will be at Bar Louie on December 13 from 5:30-7 p.m.
“We do the grad toast every semester for graduates,” Garcia Wommack said. “Each semester we have about 100 to 150 people attend. The first year that we did it was fall of 2016 and we had 80 attendees; in the last one in the spring we had 163 attendees.”
SGA Treasurer Anahita Keer said SGA sponsors the event every semester and it is a good thing for SGA to be involved in.
“It helps us with getting into contact with people who are going to be alumni or going to graduate school possibly on campus. It gets our presence known with some of the older students on campus,” Keer said.
SGA Head Representative Taylor Peyton said there was a good turnout at last semester’s toast.
“I think it is a good idea,” Peyton said. “It seems like each year we have been getting more and more.”
“Everyone that graduates in the fall we invite them,” she said. “They can bring a guest for $7.”
SGA’s general business meetings are held every Friday at 2 p.m. in the SGA Chambers located in the Sid Richardson building.

Photo by Hannah Lathen