Texas Wesleyan University’s Student Government Association’s first order of business at Friday’s meeting was to elect a new vice president and senior representative.
During the closed-door election, former Athletics Representative Lynzie Moore was elected vice president and Jacqueline Rodriguez was elected senior representative.
“I’m so excited, now I get to sit up here with you guys,” Moore said while taking her new seat amongst the SGA officers.
SGA Representative Kaylia Brown authored and presented the Polytechnic Community Center Christmas Party Bill that proposed giving $400 for the party that will benefit local children.
“Whereas, a better holiday would be given to 75 different children in the community,” Brown wrote in the bill.
An almost unanimous decision was reached by SGA that $400 was not enough to adequately provide a gift and a decent Christmas meal for the children, so $3,000 was approved for the party.
Dr. Ronnie McManus, professor of religion, addressed the importance of party that Wesleyan has been patronizing for 50 years.
“If we give you more, could you do more?” Moore asked McManus. “Oh, yes ma’am,” replied McManus.
Additional information about where to donate time and money for the Polytechnic Community Christmas Party will be forthcoming after the Thanksgiving break.
The Winter 2018 Food Pantry Bill, authored by Secretary Alison Baron, passed unanimously.
The bill will allot $1,000 for replenishing the stock of food for the food pantry in the Polytechnic United Methodist Church.
During the open forum portion of the meeting, junior Karen Duarte-Escobar had concerns about students’ ability to question SGA’s policies and bills during their weekly meetings.
“We should be able to ask questions and give our input about the things that are being discussed, like a city council meeting,” Duarte-Escobar said.
SGA President Alyssa Hutchinson said that all students’ recommendations and requests would be considered.
SGA’s general business meetings are held at 2 p.m. every Friday in the SGA Chambers in Brown-Lupton.

Photo by David Cason