Texas Wesleyan has a space problem, and it’s not going away any time soon.
Classes are in classrooms that are either too small or do not provide adequate technology, and students are not given enough awareness of technology on campus.
One psychology student said her classes last semester in the Nenetta Burton Carter Building were filled, and when the class had to take a test, every student was elbow to elbow.
Another student said that especially when a class requires technology that everyone is squished. Her bio-lab class had to move into the psychology building because it was not able to house the class size of 30-35 people.
And the classroom problem is not going to be fixed this fall with the opening of the Nick and Lou Martin University Center.
While the building will provide office space and places for students to eat and lounge, there are not any spaces that are specifically designed to be classrooms, according to Vice President of Enrollment and Marketing Communications Ann Davis.
Davis said there will be spaces that can be used as classrooms if need be, but again, this will not help the problem of having classes held in rooms teachers can’t fully utilize.
Faculty members and the administration have recognized this problem for years. According a longtime professor, this has been a problem for the last ten years.
One of the solutions is online classes. However, even with online classes, classes that have to be in a traditional classroom setting are packed and disorganized all over campus.
This classroom issue is giving a different meaning to the “More than meets the size” slogan that Wesleyan used for advertisements in 2017.
Another solution would be to start offering classes later in the day, especially GEC classes. This would only make sense because Wesleyan is a commuter campus.
Another solution is to allow different majors to use more classrooms across campus. If a class only needs to have desks and a white board, assign the correct classroom.
If another building is built on this campus, it should include a generic space where there are classrooms for lectures and rooms with at least laptop carts.
Along with not having the right technology in the classrooms, the resources outside of class for students are not highlighted enough.
You rarely see students in the computer labs in the Polytechnic United Methodist Church, the Armstrong-Mabee Business Center, or the basement of the library. That’s because students don’t know that they’re there; these labs are not advertised enough.
Wesleyan needs to start making changes that will fix this problem because for many students, Smaller. Smarter. is rapidly moving away. In many classes, it is hard for students to feel like they are a part of something small.