On May 22, the campus officially switched to Canvas from Blackboard. This fall Blackboard was decommissioned.
“We had to switch at one point, and this was the time,” said Jennifer West, an instructional designer working in the Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning office.
West had some tips for students to make the transition to Canvas easier.
“One major tip would be to switch the dashboard to list view,” West said, encouraging students to utilize the Student Guide and Passport to Canvas class on the Canvas dashboard.
“Utilizing that direct messaging tool is a good way to get ahold of your professors,” said Esmeralda Valdez, a junior transfer student who is pleased to be using Canvas. “I’ve used Canvas in high school. Then I used it at TCC. Now I get to use it here.”
Stacia Campbell, an associate professor of English was comfortable with Blackboard.
“Blackboard was predictable after years of use, but the version we were using was outdated and limited in terms of visual placement and interactivity,” Campbell said.
Senior Alfanso Salais, a political science major, did not expect the switch to be difficult. “I have been here for four years. I definitely got used to the blackboard layout, but canvas has been cool, just a little different,” Salais said.