Earlier this evening a room on the first floor of the West Village apartments was flooded as a result of a burst pipe.
An alert was sent out by the university informing students of the incident.

The residents of room 415 were shocked to discover the water coming from one of the bedroom walls. Security was alerted by the fire alarm and showed up to the room to investigate the situation.
Sophomore business major Andrew Mitchell said, “We saw water coming out of the room and had security unlock the door so we could move our roommate’s things.”
The room belongs to first-semester transfer and business major, Jose Guarderas. He was stunned to find his room and personal belongings in that state but was able to retrieve his items.
“I didn’t know it was my room until I came back from the cafe and saw the water,” said Guarderas. “I felt terrible.”
As a result of the flooding, all residents of 415 will be moving to temporary rooms until the appropriate repairs have been made.