Texas Wesleyan University student Elizabeth Suarez, 21, died in Mexico on Saturday, according to a university official.
Suarez was killed on Jan. 3 while riding in a truck with her family on the Ojinaga toll road in Chihuahua, Mexico, according to elcentineladeojinaga.com.mx.
The Toyota Tacoma’s front tire became damaged and the vehicle rolled down a deep ravine, according elcentineladeojinaga.com.mx.
Suarez was a junior bilingual education major and attended Texas Wesleyan last fall, according to an email sent out Thursday by Dennis Hall, dean of students.
Suarez was buried on Wednesday in Garland, Texas, according to the web site of the Pilar Funeral Home.
A donation fund has been set up on giveforward.com, under Elizabeth Suarez. The web page raised 204 donations and totaled $19,355.