During the end of the semester, as the holidays begin to start, students become stressed and you can see it on their faces, Michael Anne Greer, director of the Academic Success Center, said.
Most of the time, students put the stress on themselves during the end of the semester by procrastinating. The Academic Success Center is there to help those students when they need the help the most, Greer said.
“The tutors from the academic success center do laps around the library during the rough times when everyone has projects to do or are studying for finals to ask students if they need any help,” she said.
Burdened with projects due right before finals, students have to cram all of their work from class to get everything done, Greer said
“Students feel like everything they do in class is being compared and evaluated against their fellow classmates,” she said. “Most classes give projects that are due all around the same time as others, so students feel the rush of cramming all of the work into a couple of weeks to get everything done.”
Greer said she noticed how much Kelly Anderson, coordinator of tutoring and academic support, has helped with the end of semester rush of students.
“She keeps everything organized and sets up the times for the students to come in and receive tutoring,” Greer said.
At the end of the semester students become desperate to try and save their grade point average or to just pass a class, Anderson said.
“Tutors try their best to help, and we also try to cut down on the amount of appointments by grouping people together who need help on the same subject,” Anderson said.
A lot of students rely on tutors throughout the semester, not just during the final weeks, Anderson said.
“We have the usual students come in every day to get help up until the week before finals, then it’s very busy and the room is filled with energy,” Anderson said.
The Academic Success Center is open on dead day Dec. 2, and on dead day the Academic Success Center will be laying out snacks and various stress relieving devices to help students relax, Anderson said.
“We really just want to help students during dead day so they don’t feel alone or lost and can get their work done efficiently,” Anderson said.
Jose Najar, a junior mass communications major, has a very helpful way of assuring he gets all of his work completed by making a list, he said.
“I start at the top of the list and start crossing out the things I’ve finished. I don’t procrastinate and try to complete all my work so I don’t have to worry about it later,” Najar said.
Najar said he feels a little stressed at the end of the semester, but he thinks it’s because he is overthinking.
“There are a lot of things I do when I begin to feel too much stress, I stop working for a bit and maybe watch some television or listen to music, or take a thirty minute break and then get back to work,” Najar said.