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The Rambler

The Rambler

The Rambler

30 Days to Change Your Life: Why These Challenges Rock!

30 Days to Change Your Life: Why These Challenges Rock!

May 8, 2020

Hey, Rams! Happy Finals Week! Hopefully you're not too terribly stressed out at this point - or maybe you're even lucky like me and you're already DONE, which comes with its own highs and lows. High:...

Making Habits that Stick: What Makes a Good Habit?

Making Habits that Stick: What Makes a Good Habit?

May 7, 2020

Habits.  We love them, we hate them.  Some are good, some are bad.  Some are easy to make, some are hard to break. For some people, habits rule their lives.  They wake up at the same time, brush...

When Life Gives You Lemons: How my Battle with my Brain gave me Superpowers

When Life Gives You Lemons: How my Battle with my Brain gave me Superpowers

May 5, 2020

Today marked the end of an era for me, as I'm sure it did for a lot of you. Today was my last class at Texas Wesleyan University.  Instead of hugging my teacher 'goodbye', taking a last walk around...

Highly Effective and Highly Efficient: Seven Habits to Change Your Life

Highly Effective and Highly Efficient: Seven Habits to Change Your Life

May 4, 2020

Full disclosure: While you’re getting some of my commentary in here, this is not my original concept.  Please read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey for details, stories,...

The End is Near: How to Stay Motivated at the End of a Semester

The End is Near: How to Stay Motivated at the End of a Semester

May 1, 2020

Today is the last Friday of this semester. It marks the end of the last full week of school. For some of us, that's the last full week of school...ever. I don't know about you, but these realizations...

Getting Fit Without Having to Commit: Ways to Sprinkle Fitness In Your Day

Getting Fit Without Having to Commit: Ways to Sprinkle Fitness In Your Day

April 30, 2020

I genuinely enjoy fitness. Not necessarily all the heavy-weight-lifting and the running until I have blisters on my feet and can't breathe, but I like the endorphins I get from going for a walk, dancing...

Treat Yo Self: How to Pamper Yourself Every Day

Treat Yo Self: How to Pamper Yourself Every Day

April 28, 2020

In the midst of the madness of life, sometimes it is easy to get lost in schoolwork, work activities, social life, household tasks, volunteering, organizations…I’m getting dizzy just typing it all. ...

Using the Internet for Good: The Best Websites for Studying

Using the Internet for Good: The Best Websites for Studying

April 27, 2020

Some days, I feel really, REALLY motivated to work on my assignments.  To get nearly everything that’s due done and to not be distracted by the many fun sites available on the lovely internet. Those...

Listen Up: The Best Podcasts to Listen To

Listen Up: The Best Podcasts to Listen To

April 24, 2020

In the last few years, I have noticed one form of entertainment has boomed almost more than anything else, and it’s not really talked about as often as Netflix or Instagram; podcasts.  Recently,...

The Big Red Play Button: My Favorite Fun and Educational YouTubers

The Big Red Play Button: My Favorite Fun and Educational YouTubers

April 23, 2020

Confession time: I don’t watch a lot of TV.  I watch some Netflix/Hulu/Disney+, but not too often.  I stay up on the latest crazes (yes, I have seen Tiger King.  Yes, Carole killed...

Getting Your Life In Order: Organizing Your Daily Tasks

Getting Your Life In Order: Organizing Your Daily Tasks

April 21, 2020

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am terrible about procrastination.  I have a tendency to make a huge list in my head at nighttime of what I want to do the next day, then the next day I hit...

The Big Red Play Button: How Youtube Can Make You Healthier

The Big Red Play Button: How Youtube Can Make You Healthier

April 20, 2020

Disclaimer before we get started: I’m not an exercise science major.  I am not a professional personal trainer.  I am not qualified to tell anyone what to do in order to stay healthy.  That being...

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