On Wednesday night, students got the chance to participate in a powder-puff football game on the campus mall.
Senior Psychology major Muhye Hammattah said the game was held in conjunction with homecoming week.
“We wanted to bring homecoming football culture to the school,” he said.
Texas Wesleyan plays Bacone College on Saturday at Farrington Field. Tailgating begins at noon and the game starts at 2 p.m., according to txwes.edu.
Sophomore exercise science major Princess Grant said that she was excited about being able to play.
“I remember the fun I had playing powder-puff in high school and I wanted to experience that feeling again,” she said. “This time I was able to play with a few of my teammates, which made it more fun.”
Junior psychology major Lorian Benjamin agreed with Grant.
“I like the game of football and I’m super competitive so I had to play,” she said. “My favorite part about playing was everybody coming together to play. People I never met played and we bonded very well. The football coaches were really into it too so it made it a lot of fun for us.”
Hammattah said that it was difficult getting a lot of girls to play.
“We advertised by posters and telling others,” he said. “We could have done a better job getting the word out. What made it difficult was a lot of the girls are in sports and could not participate due to them being in season.”
Grant said that she would definitely play again.
“I don’t feel like they advertised it enough but if they were hold something like this again then you can count me in,” she said.
Hammattah said he hopes that there are more events like this on campus.
“I was at the homecoming meeting while student engagement was talking about it. I overheard them and gave me a couple of suggestions and that is when they put me in charge of it,” he said. “I hope Texas Wesleyan would hold more events like this.”