RAs Nikita Dhoubhadel and Miranda Day hosted the Pinterest Par-Tea on Thursday at 8 p.m. in the lounge room on the second-floor of Stella Russell Hall.
Residents and RAs made Pinterest board-style collages and drank tea.

Photo by Kaylee Conrad
“Me and Miranda collaborated and decided it would be really cool if we got together and saw what they [the residents] like without doing the boring surveys,” said Dhoubhadel, RA and management and marketing major.
Day and Dhoubhadel were inspired to host this event because they share a love for Pinterest and sweet tea, Dhoubhadel said.
“We are building community through crafting,” said Day, RA and mass communication major.

Photo by Kaylee Conrad
Dhoubhadel said not everyone has to be good at crafting to participate in the event.
“[Crafting] is not everyone’s cup of tea, but you don’t have to be great at something to enjoy something,” Dhoubhadel said.

Photo by Kaylee Conrad
One of the attendees, biochemistry major Kayli Johnson, was really fond of the hosts and the event theme.
“They’re [Day and Dhoubhadel] both really great,” said Johnson.
Johnson said she enjoyed making a collage of her favorite things, such as the Harry Potter logo.