In the short time that I have been at Texas Wesleyan, I have been victimized by the ghosts here and I am over it.
While I am very open to the idea of spirits and paranormal energy lingering, I would like to be left alone because I have too much going on as it is to be getting freaked out all the time.
When I started my first semester at Texas Wesleyan last fall, I moved into Elizabeth Hall. I never had any problems with anything paranormal, but I was aware of the school’s age and figured there had to be some spooky stuff going on. However, I didn’t put much thought into it until I started having experiences only a few days after moving in.
I moved into my dorm a week before my roommate did, so I was alone. In the dorm above the closets there are three large cabinets with sliding doors. I could not reach the cabinets, so I did not put anything in them and I kept them shut. A few days after I moved in, I came into my dorm and I got in bed and looked up. The cabinet doors were open. That gave me some chills.
I was really confused, and I tried to think of any reason that I might have opened them and came up with nothing. I even asked my suite mate whom I shared a bathroom with if she came in and opened them. She thought I was crazy.
There was another instance where a roll of toilet paper in the restroom disappeared after an hour. I did not take this instance that seriously until my roommate said she had not done anything with it. I just wrote it off as being a weird coincidence.
The first time I felt unwelcome at Wesleyan was when I was covering one of my first stories for The Rambler. It was at the new Bernice Coulter Templeton Art Studio; I had to go there, interview Kit Hall and take photos of the art on display.
I knew as soon as I entered the building that something was off. I got the overwhelming feeling that I needed to leave. My heart would start racing and I would get a heavy feeling with anxiety and I just was ready to leave ASAP.
In October, my roommate withdrew from the campus and moved, and I was alone again.
Everything was cool until the different bottles of lotion and body spray that I had on my sink would start flying out of nowhere. This would happen while I was in my room, several times a week.
Literally, they would get pushed off the sink by some imaginary force, and I thought I was losing my mind.
After a while, I just decided to not freak out about it anymore. Whatever it was that was throwing my stuff, wasn’t hurting me or breaking anything so I just dealt with it.
One day, I literally said out loud, “If you are here then I am OK with that. Please just don’t scare me.”
Flash forward to this school year and everything had been going pretty great so far until a few weeks ago. I was sitting at my desk doing my makeup when my old ghost friend decided to let me know he found me again.
On top of my microwave, I have a meditating skeleton figurine. The skeleton flew off the microwave, hit the wall and broke in two. It did not just fall off, it ran into the wall and then fell to the ground.
I am not a physics major, but I do not think that is supposed to freaking happen.
Spirits and ghosts do shake me up, but if they aren’t irritating me, I can get used to them.
So, to the Texas Wesleyan ghosts, I appreciate you and I welcome your presence, just please don’t break my stuff. You can open my cabinets or come watch a movie with me but let’s not mess with my possessions any more.
You have my attention now. Let’s be a little more polite and save me from having a heart attack.

Photo by Hannah Lathen