President Frederick Slabach announced that Texas Wesleyan is working on cutting down hours in academic programs and bringing a men’s and women’s varsity wrestling team for the fall 2019 semester at Tuesday’s town hall meeting.
“After the board meeting this Friday, when this proposal will be on the table at the full board meeting, we hope that we will be able to officially announce that we are starting women’s and men’s wrestling for the fall semester of 2019,” Slabach said.

Photo by Hannah Lathen
Wesleyan is moving forward with two new online degrees for the bachelor’s of business administration and master’s of education as well as making degree plans only 120 hours, Slabach said.
“That will make us more competitive in the market,” he said.
As part of every town hall, Slabach gave the staff hero award to an employee who has been nominated by that department’s vice president. The award was given to Travis Smith, an analyst in the Office of Institutional Research.
“Travis was nominated for the staff hero award for his customer service and helping students,” Slabach said.

Photo by Hannah Lathen
Smith said he was in complete shock when Slabach called his name.
“It is quite amazing to work for a place that supports their employees the way I am supported by my vice president and my direct supervisor,” Smith said.
During the town hall meeting, Associate Vice President of Human Resources Angela Dampeer gave a presentation with updates on HR.
“As it relates preventative care, in September and October we actually had our flu shots and 97 employees were vaccinated here, so we are all good and inoculated,” Dampeer said. “Forty-two employees went through our biometric screening and that is very important as it relates to preventative care and that will happen again in the spring.”

Photo by Hannah Lathen
Dampeer recognized Fort Worth’s certification as a Blue Zones Community.
“We all helped make that happen,” Dampeer said.
In keeping with Blue Zones, there will be a purpose workshop Nov. 26, Dampeer said.
“This workshop really helps you to explore, ‘What is my purpose in life?’ What can I accomplish in life?’ whether it is volunteering or what have you,” she said.
Slabach also gave updates on the different holiday festivities happening on campus.
He said the annual faculty and staff Thanksgiving lunch will be Tuesday, Nov. 20 from noon to 1:30 p.m. in Lou’s Place.
“This year we are those who would like to contribute to bring new or gently used blankets, coats and thermal socks so that we can donate them to the area homeless shelters,” he said.
Miniature Christmas trees are now available at the circulation desk in the West Library until Nov. 30 for the annual tree decorating contest with proceeds going to Meals on Wheels, Slabach said.
“Also, in the library, you can pick up a star that you can purchase as a holiday gift for a senior in need, also again through meals on wheels,” he said. “When you participate in any of those activities you are going to receive a raffle ticket from Wesleyan Connect.”
There is going to be campus safety training that will be offered for students, faculty and staff during the free periods of Nov. 27 and Nov. 29 in the Science Lecture Theatre, Slabach said.
“The training is going to focus on how to respond in the event of an active shooter situation and we have the head of our security Chris Beckrich and Lieutenant Mike Lugo with the city of Fort Worth Police Department will be there to present,” Slabach said.
The next town hall meeting will be Feb. 12 in the Baker Building at 12:15 p.m.