Texas Wesleyan’s Athletic Quiz Bowl team secured a top three spot in the District 6 Quiz Bowl for the second year in a row, according to txwes.edu.
Team member Jessie Velazquez wrote in an email that the team consists of four members that compete once a year at a student workshop at Texas State University in San Marcos, according to The competition was held over three days in January and February.
Athletic training quiz bowl is a Jeopardy style competition that test athletic trainers’ knowledge and skill over several subjects, Velazquez wrote. The team has four members; three compete, and one is an alternate.
Teams from Texas and Arkansas compete in the District 6 competition, he wrote. The teams are set up in rows, and are given clickers that are used to “buzz” in to answer questions. There are seven categories. Each question can be worth from 100 to 500 points that increase in difficulty.
Senior team member Adrian Rosales wrote in an email that the competition is part of a three-day student competency workshop.
Rosales wrote that he prepares for the competitions by reviewing material and staying up to date with the latest news.
“But honestly some of the stuff is just natural talent,” Rosales wrote.
Velazquez wrote that the team does so well because each member has a desire and a drive to win no matter who they are facing off against.
“We have the drive and desire to win, which is why we wanted to prove our worth,” Velazquez wrote. “As well as give insight that our program is small, but it can go against any one either if they are a small or big school.”
Velazquez wrote that if Wesleyan’s team would have placed first they would have had the chance to travel to Las Vegas for a main stage competition hosted by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association. This competition will be held on June 24-27.
Returning member Corazon De Jesus Rojas wrote in an email that she got involved in the quiz bowl team by speaking with the Athletic Training Director Dr. Pamela Rast.
“Our athletic training program director, Dr. Pamela Rast, encouraged us to participate and make a team,” Corazon wrote. “As one of two returning members of the team, we hosted tryout, and final decisions were made the returners.”
If you are interested in joining the Quiz Bowl team, reach out to anyone on the team or visit the Athletic Training Program offices for more information. The office is located in Dan Waggoner Hall, room 208. The office is open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and can be contacted via phone: 817-531-4949.

Photo contributed by txwes.edu