Confession time: I don’t watch a lot of TV. I watch some Netflix/Hulu/Disney+, but not too often. I stay up on the latest crazes (yes, I have seen Tiger King. Yes, Carole killed her husband.) but beyond that, even though I aspire to one day get into Film and TV, I don’t spend a lot of time watching TV.
But…I watch a whole, whole, WHOLE lot of YouTube. I have a YouTube Video literally in the background right now. (The voice actress for Kim Possible is reacting to the first Kim Possible episode – that just screams my name.)
In this long-awaited – or probably more like two-day-awaited – sequel, I will be talking about some highlights on YouTube right now for if you are trapped at home with not much else to do. I will give you some of the best YouTube channels for different majors, so I hope you enjoy and let me know down below if the channel I pick for your major seems to fit! (I didn’t do every single major because that list would be super long, so pick the one you think is the closest!
Music – Kurt Hugo Schneider
KHS was one of the first YouTubers I really started to follow. He did incredible covers, neat mashups, and fun challenges with regular videos. His friends that he gets to sing in the videos are all crazy talented, as well. Kurt has recently moved over from just doing original music videos to showing a lot of the process of how he makes covers. I find it really interesting, and I think music majors might, as well!
Fun fact: KHS is a Chess Grand Master and beat all four of the TryGuys blindfolded!
Art – Jazza
Jazza is another fun YouTuber I’ve been following for a long time. He does everything from tutorials on using photoshop for art, to showing some of the basics of animation, to comparing different brands of markers, to challenges like drawing a picture upside-down. His videos are always fun and I often learn something about art by watching him.
Business/Education – TED
Do I even need to talk about TED Talks? They’re amazing. Go watch all of ‘em if you can. They cover every subject you could ever imagine and I normally end them feeling all kinds of great about humanity, which is something these two majors can benefit from more than anyone if you ask me!
Fun fact: We have an online Leadership Development course at Wesleyan that gets you extra honor at graduation and basically you just watch a bunch of TED Talks and write papers about them, which is a win-win in my book.
Sciences – ASAP Science
These videos are so fun and informative! Ever wonder what happens when you sleep? What if you never took off your AirPods? Wanna learn the entire Periodic Table of Elements? Then this is the channel for you! The videos are cartoon-y and packed with real science, so you’re sure to get all of your burning questions answered.
Bonus Science – Mark Rober
Mark Rober is a former NASA engineer who helped put the curiosity rover on Mars. Now, he’s not doing that, and he’s doing crazy science experiments on YouTube. Additionally, recently he has started doing weekly physics class livestreams where we talks fun subjects and the science behind them. (He was also part of Team Trees in 2019 which helped raise $20 million to plant 20 million trees.)
Mass Communication/Theater – Insider
Insider does a wide variety of videos, but some of the best ones on their channel show how movies work behind the scenes. I’m a total nerd for this look into movies, so I find myself watching these fairly often. They recently did one on the special effects of Disney’s live-action remakes that is pretty fascinating. I recommend these for anyone that likes a look at what happens on the other side of the camera!
History – Crash Course
I first discovered Crash Course in my World Mythology class at TxWes, and I really love them now when learning about new subjects! While they primarily feature historical events, there are plenty of other subjects covered as well. These quick videos are basically the “Spark notes” of the real world.
Political Science/Criminal Justice – Legal Eagle
One of my good friends is an attorney and she got me into these videos. This guy is a lawyer that watches fictional shows and reacts to the legal situations that are presented, then he breaks down why that would or would not happen and grades the show based on realism. If you are interested in learning more about the law, this is a great, fun way to do it!
Psychology – Frank James
I personally really enjoy this guy’s funny MBTI videos a lot (I know MBTI is controversial amongst Psych majors, but I personally think they’re hilarious so…) but he also does a ton of in-depth personality analysis videos, as well as reactions to some of the ridiculous “personality quizzes” out there. His videos are mostly comical, but you can definitely learn something new as well!
These are just a few of the YouTube channels that I follow and really enjoy their content. I hope you found something here that you can spend some time watching, laughing with, and maybe even learning something from.
Be sure to hit the like button, subscribe, and…oh, wait, how about you leave a comment below with your YouTube recommendations for me?