Rams men’s basketball team won their first home game against Arlington Baptist University with a score of 107-78 in favor of the Rams. The game took place at 6 p.m. on Nov. 4 at the Sid Richardson Center.
The Rams have turned it around following their exhibition last week against Texas Christian University.
“I definitely believe we will win a conference championship this year,” said Montez Young Jr, junior sports communication major and forward on the court, “It always feels good to score the ball, but at the end of the day, the goal is to win so that isn’t something I focus on.”
Leading into the second half of the game, junior finance major and forward on the
court, Richard Amaefule was a lead scorer, helping his team win Saturday evening’s game.
“I was most proud to see everybody check into the game and lace up, especially the freshmen on the team,” Amaefule said. “This season we will get to put out the product we have worked on.”
Students, faculty, cheerleaders, and dancers were in attendance to support the game including first-year English education major and Goldline dancer Landry Hardee.

“I love getting to cheer on our rams,” first-year English education major and Goldline dancer Landry Hardee said. “I think the crowd was also excited to watch and cheer on our boys.”