The West Library held a party on Tuesday to celebrate the upcoming holiday season and raise money for a big-ticket item that students’ donations will contribute to Meals on Wheels.
Students were encouraged to wear their favorite holiday attire and stop by for a hot cocoa bar, cookies and music.
Digital Initiatives Librarian Caitlin Rookey said that the event was taking the place of the costly and time-consuming tree decorating competition that has been held at Wesleyan in past years.
“We are trying to mix it up this year,” Rookey explained. “So instead we are trying to raise money along with the gifts for Meals on Wheels.”
Rookey said that rather than a bunch of smaller gifts, students are donating money for a more expensive and useful item.
“We are trying to raise money for one big-ticket item,” Rookey said. “We have currently raised enough to get a wheelchair, but we are holding out to try to buy a mattress and box spring for somebody.”
Reference and Instruction Librarian Marquel Anteola said that events like these are important to the Wesleyan community
“It’s kind of a stressful time right now with finals coming up,”Anteola said. “This event gives students time to relax while bringing the Wesleyan community closer together.”
Junior psychology major America Valles grabbed a few cookies from the cocoa bar while in the library working on homework.
“A lot of other schools don’t hold events like this,” Valles said. “It’s really nice of them to do; it takes a lot to care for us.”

Photos by Chelsea Day