Texas Wesleyan has its first case of COVID-19, campus officials announced Thursday.
An email sent out by both Dennis Hall, vice president for student affairs/dean of students and Angela Dampeer, associate vice president of human resources announcing this news to the Ram Nation.
“The employee has not been on campus since March 16 and has not had any contact with students, faculty or staff since then,” the email stated, “We consider the general risk from this case to our campus community to be low.”
The email also reminded us the school is cleaning on a daily basis to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on the Wesleyan campus, and encourages all of us in the Ramily to follow CDC guidelines and take all the precautions we can to “help fatten the curve.”
“While we expect this will not be the only person in our TXWES community to test positive for the coronavirus, we will limit future notifications to those that have a direct on-campus impact,” the email said.