Photo by Hannah Lathen
After serving as the Student Government Association president for the last two years, senior Alyssa Hutchinson will graduate alongside her vice president, senior Karen Duarte-Escobar, this August.
In the fall of 2020, a new president will be sworn in, and SGA will run under new leadership.
Vice President of Student Affairs/Dean of Students Dennis Hall announced the spring 2020 Student Government Association election results on Monday afternoon via email after a week of student voting.
Lexi Barlow was chosen as president, Christine Davis as vice president, Jeston Young as head representative, Samantha Berg as secretary, Sheryl Vu as treasurer, Ruth Urbina as international representative, Callie Naser as At-Largex representative, Kealani Villiarmo as School of Business representative, Graciela Frausto as School of Education representative, and Raul Caballero Montes as athletic representative.
“I am very pleased with the results,” Hutchinson wrote in an email. “I think Lexi and Christine will do wonderfully to continue SGA’s growth next year. They are bright and driven and they have good relationships across the campus. They also have the experience and knowledge that they have gained over this last year in SGA to be able to handle all aspects of the job.”
Hutchinson wrote that she believes the Barlow and Davis duo will be a recipe for success. Barlow, who has been preparing to run since the beginning of the school year, wrote in an email that she was incredibility happy and overwhelmed to win the election.
“I’m beyond excited to work alongside the other board members,” Barlow wrote. “There is so much potential with our new board, and I feel so blessed to already have such a strong team.”
She wrote that one goal she has for next year is to work to continue events that were moved due to the pandemic and to create stronger relationships with other student organizations.
“Myself and other execs have talked about the idea of introducing Senators as available positions from every organization on campus to work with SGA,” Barlow wrote. “Every organization would select one of their members to meet with the board once or twice a month. We really want to develop stronger connections to the other groups on campus.”
Davis, who came to Texas Wesleyan last year as a transfer student looking to get involved, wrote in an email that she was honored and grateful to be elected as the next vice president.
“Serving on campus has filled my heart with so much joy, and it has introduced me to some of the most amazing people with whom I have developed long-lasting friendships,” Davis wrote. “I am so excited to continue serving our campus alongside our newly elected board this upcoming school year.”
Davis wrote that her goals for next semester are modeled off of her platform COLLAB. CREATE. CONNECT.
“I plan to serve our campus by collaborating with students to create events and campus initiatives that enrich the Texas Wesleyan student experience and promote deeper connections amongst students,” Davis wrote.
Hutchinson wrote that she is anxious in the best way to see the innovation that comes with the transition to a new administration. She advises the new board to believe in themselves and be selective in their work in order to do the best possible work with the limited time they have.
“I hope to see an SGA that engages student organizations on the next level with forums and bills that reflect the values and needs of as many students as possible,” she wrote.
Students interested in joining SGA can email sga@txwes.edu to interview for the open positions of School of Arts and Letters Representative, School of Natural and Social Sciences Representative, Senior Representative, Freshmen Representative, Residence Life Representative, Graduate Representative, and Transfer Representative.