Have you ever heard the phrase “you get out of it what you put into it?” Callie Naser has demonstrated through her time at Texas Wesleyan just that.
Senior criminal justice major Naser is currently in her fourth year at Wesleyan and said choosing to attend has been one of the most life-changing decisions she has made.
“My experience overall at Texas Wesleyan has been a blast. I’ve really been proud of my decision to come to Texas Wesleyan. I’ve really enjoyed the small atmosphere becauseyou get to get closer with the professors as well as the students. So, overall, everything has been way better than I could have ever asked for,” said Naser.
As a commuter to the university, Naser said being involved in organizations is one of the major reasons she has been able to get the full college experience that everyone always talks about.
While at Wesleyan, Naser has been a part of numerous organizations such as: Student Government Association (SGA), New Student Mentor program, Ram Camp, Gay-Straight Alliance, as well as president for Alpha Xi Delta (AXID).
“A big reason I got heavily involved in student organizations is because I wasn’t involved in high school. I wanted to do that in college. I was just really nervous. What really kick-started me with getting involved on campus was going to Alpha Xi Deltas recruitment, and I really felt really at home there,” Naser said. “It helped me branch out and gain some confidence to go out of my comfort zone and try new organizations.”

Nasers first experience with her sorority was the recruitment where she met her Big and G-Big (older members in the society that take on new members as part of their sorority family, like a mother and grandmother), which made a major impact on her decision to join Greek Life. She believed that all the members were extremely kind and that they took a genuine interest in her as a person.
Alpha Xi Delta is a national sorority, that performs a number of services around not only the local community but on a national level, with a chapter at Texas Wesleyan where Naser is serving her second term as president.
Alpha Xi Delta is known for some of it more popular events such as their Xi-Man Competition, Football Frenxi, and their most popular event, fundraising for Autism Speaks. Naser notes that throughout the semester the funds that are raised through varies events by the sorority go to support the Autism Speaks foundation.
Although her entire presidency has been during the pandemic, Naser has still cherished the time that she has gotten to serve as president.
“It’s just been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life, and I don’t say stuff like that lightly. I really just feel so thankful to have this organization and to be the face of this organization and have the girls behind me that I do. I couldn’t be more thankful for that,” said Naser.
The impact that Naser has had on those around her has also been very memorable said sorority sister, Aajah Adom, who said Naser is a member of the university that has always helped uplift those around her, as well as guided members to their most successful paths.
“I would describe her as a leader, someone that you can depend on and talk to,” said Adom. “My second semester I got to serve on the executive board with her and just that experience alone was amazing because I got to see her as out president and the way she handles a big group of sisters.”
Naser found success through connecting with the community through her involvement with organizations on campus and by using those avenues to make an impact on those around her.

Kaylia Brown, senior mass communication major and sorority sister of Naser said that she has known of Naser since the beginning of their college careers, although did get to really know her until Alpha Xi Delta.
“Callie is everything that I could have hoped for and more in a sister. Her dedication is unmatched. She puts her heart and soul into everything that I’ve seen her do, and it’s beautiful. It’s inspiring, honestly,” said Brown.
Her AXID sisters said that as their interim president, she puts all of her energy into her events as well as recruitment on the campus during the pandemic, one of the most difficult times for engagement.
Although Naser does not know what the future holds, she remains optimistic and is not fearful because of the experiences she has had while at Wesleyan.
While at Wesleyan she has been able to participate in activities and organizations that have helped her get out of her comfort zone, said Naser. It has shown her that she can do anything she puts her mind to and is willing to work towards.
“My biggest take away from Wesleyan is ‘you get out what you put in’, that’s something that I really have lived by,” said Naser. “Especially Wesleyan. It’s so small and there are so many opportunities all you have to do is take that one extra step, and the opportunity is yours.”