Every Wednesday at 11:45 a.m. in Lou’s place, the Baptist Student Ministry (BSM) offers free lunch for students, faculty and staff.
The food is provided by local churches in the area to help feed everyone. The menu is different every Wednesday, but on March 27 it consisted of tacos, rice and beans provided by City Post Church.
Ricky Cotto is a BSM member and a pastor at City Post Church. He said he has been part of the free lunch on Wednesdays for three years.
“This is not the first time we have been here, we volunteer three times a semester to give food,” Cotto said. “When we found out BSM was going to start running free food, I was like, ‘oh no, we need to manage our budget to support them and provide food for everyone.’”

Morgun Mason, intern for BSM, was also part of hosting these events. Mason said they enjoy serving the campus and being able to provide these meals.
“Students typically love free food, and it’s also a good way to get to know students and for them to know that this is a safe place for students to make friends and build a community,” Mason said. “It’s really all thanks to local churches around campus, they make this possible because we wouldn’t be able to do this without them.”

Senior and marketing major Gidalti Chi enjoys coming to free lunch on Wednesdays.
“When I have time, I just grab food and I leave, but today I had extra time and I stayed to eat and hangout,” Chi said. “This is good for commuters because it’s during lunchtime and it’s helpful for students not to buy lunch. And plus, it’s free and it’s good food.”
For more information about City Post Church visit their website online and for more information on BSM visit their Instagram.