The 23rd annual Faye C. Goostree Women’s Symposium, with alumna Rev. Yevette Christy ’09 as the keynote speaker, was held in Paul and Judy Andrews Hall on March 11.
Sharing her inspiring story with the audience, Christy detailed her personal experience of trauma and abuse, a reality she believes too many women can relate to. Through her testimony, she demonstrated that women have the power to redefine their narratives, shedding the labels imposed by both society and religion.
“Looking at others, looking at ourselves at the same weighted lens in which we look at others—that is why the victim is still the victim,” Christy said.
Christy is a survivor of drug addiction and 18 years of prostitution. She founded The Reclamation Project, a non-profit that aims to change socioeconomics and to provide resources for survivors of human trafficking.
“Because of how I was despised as a victim of human trafficking, I didn’t understand why the world called us a whore,” Christy said.
Christy, who graduated from Texas Wesleyan with a bachelor’s degree in religion, is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry at TCU’s Brite Divinity School. Christy recently published an autobiography, “/Hor?”.
“I didn’t know how deeply Wesleyan was in my book, but it is everywhere.” Christy said.
Amy Tate-Almy ‘95, development officer, introduced Christy to the audience. While listing all of Christy’s achievements and accolades, Tate-Almy expressed her own personal gratitude for Christy.
“I am very excited about today. I am very proud to call Yvette a fellow alum of Texas Wesleyan University. I am proud to call Yevette a fellow colleague in the United Methodist Church, but most of all, I am proud to call Yevette a friend.” Tate-Almy said.
Throughout the presentation, Christy’s testimony moved many in the audience to tears. Her story was not only a testament to perseverance but also a powerful reminder of how hope and faith can inspire and drive meaningful change. Senior criminal justice major Kadynce Crenshaw was one of many who was touched by the testimony.
“My body was filled with chills almost every time she changed topics,” said Crenshaw. “Her story was so powerful. Just listening to her made me want to contribute to a change being made for all women.”